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Cultural Center

Dapo Nyarka Sunam (Bamboo Wrestling)

Dapo Nyarka Sunam is a traditional wrestling game played by the Nyishi tribe of Arunachal Pradesh. In this game, two players use a bamboo stick as their primary tool. The objective is for each player to hold one end of the bamboo and try to push their opponent back, aiming to make them fall down.

Dak-Dal Dakasunam (Stick Walk)

Dak-Dal Dakasunam is a highly popular game of balance that is played throughout the state. This game is not limited by gender and can be enjoyed by both males and females. All that is needed to play this game is a 3-meter-long bamboo or wooden stick.

In Dak-Dal Dakasunam, each player must lift both their legs and rest them on a small log located at the bottom of the bamboo, providing support. The players then balance themselves on the stick as theynavigate the designated course. The objective is to reach the finish line without falling off the stick.

Dapo Nyarka Sunam (Bamboo Wrestling)

Dapo Nyarka Sunam is a traditional wrestling game played by the Nyishi tribe of Arunachal Pradesh. In this game, two players use a bamboo stick as their primary tool. The objective is for each player to hold one end of the bamboo and try to push their opponent back, aiming to make them fall down.

Dak-Dal Dakasunam (Stick Walk)

Dak-Dal Dakasunam is a highly popular game of balance that is played throughout the state. This game is not limited by gender and can be enjoyed by both males and females. All that is needed to play this game is a 3-meter-long bamboo or wooden stick.

In Dak-Dal Dakasunam, each player must lift both their legs and rest them on a small log located at the bottom of the bamboo, providing support. The players then balance themselves on the stick as theynavigate the designated course. The objective is to reach the finish line without falling off the stick.


Upuk Apka Sunam (Archery)

Archery, known as Upuk Apka Sunam in the Nyishi community, is a cherished and widely adored traditional sport in Arunachal Pradesh. Before the invention of firearms, bows and arrows played a crucial role as the primary long-range weapons for the people of this region. The skillful use of bows and arrows was not limited to warfare and hunting but also extended to recreational activities, including archery games.

Upuk Apka Sunam (Archery)

Archery, known as Upuk Apka Sunam in the Nyishi community, is a cherished and widely adored traditional sport in Arunachal Pradesh. Before the invention of firearms, bows and arrows played a crucial role as the primary long-range weapons for the people of this region. The skillful use of bows and arrows was not limited to warfare and hunting but also extended to recreational activities, including archery games.

Bamboo Crafts

In addition to academic education, students at our gurukuls actively participate in traditional craft-making sessions. They learn various indigenous craft techniques such as bamboo weaving, handloom weaving, wood carving, and pottery. These sessions instill appreciation for cultural values, develop artistic abilities, and empower students to become custodians of their cultural heritage. Through hands-on experiences, students gain practical skills, a deeper connection with their roots, and contribute to the preservation of traditional crafts in Arunachal Pradesh.

In addition to physical activities, we emphasize the importance of mental and spiritual well-being. Therefore, our students participate in sessions of meditation and yoga, which cultivate inner peace and mindfulness. We also actively engage them in environment-related community activities, instilling a sense of responsibility towards nature and the surrounding ecosystem.

At our gurukuls, we strongly believe in empowering students to become self-reliant individuals in their future endeavors. To foster this sense of independence and responsibility, we encourage them to take charge of daily chores such as cleaning the surroundings, sweeping, doing dishes and washing clothes. By actively participating in these tasks, students learn the values of discipline, self-sufficiency and respect for their immediate environment.

In conclusion, our gurukuls not only focus on academic excellence and traditional values but also aim to create well-rounded individuals who are deeply connected to their cultural heritage. Through a blend of modern education, traditional teachings, co-curricular activities and practical life skills, we strive to provide an enriching and holistic educational experience to our students. We are committed to preserving the indigenous traditions and customs of Arunachal Pradesh and empowering the younger generation to carry them forward with pride and resilience.

Bamboo Crafts

In addition to academic education, students at our gurukuls actively participate in traditional craft-making sessions. They learn various indigenous craft techniques such as bamboo weaving, handloom weaving, wood carving, and pottery. These sessions instill appreciation for cultural values, develop artistic abilities, and empower students to become custodians of their cultural heritage. Through hands-on experiences, students gain practical skills, a deeper connection with their roots, and contribute to the preservation of traditional crafts in Arunachal Pradesh.

In addition to physical activities, we emphasize the importance of mental and spiritual well-being. Therefore, our students participate in sessions of meditation and yoga, which cultivate inner peace and mindfulness. We also actively engage them in environment-related community activities, instilling a sense of responsibility towards nature and the surrounding ecosystem.

At our gurukuls, we strongly believe in empowering students to become self-reliant individuals in their future endeavors. To foster this sense of independence and responsibility, we encourage them to take charge of daily chores such as cleaning the surroundings, sweeping, doing dishes and washing clothes. By actively participating in these tasks, students learn the values of discipline, self-sufficiency and respect for their immediate environment.

In conclusion, our gurukuls not only focus on academic excellence and traditional values but also aim to create well-rounded individuals who are deeply connected to their cultural heritage. Through a blend of modern education, traditional teachings, co-curricular activities and practical life skills, we strive to provide an enriching and holistic educational experience to our students. We are committed to preserving the indigenous traditions and customs of Arunachal Pradesh and empowering the younger generation to carry them forward with pride and resilience.

Cultural Center - Practising, Promoting and Experiencing Indigenous Culture

At Donyi Polo Cultural and Charitable Trust, our aim is to safeguard, promote, and propagate indigenous cultures and traditions. We achieve this not only by imparting education to the younger generation but also by actively participating in the establishment of cultural centers. These centers play a vital role in preserving indigenous rituals and traditional practices. Through our engagement in various events, we contribute to the establishment of these centers and encourage the propagation of our native cultural values. Our efforts are not limited to the local community but also extend to visitors who have the opportunity to witness and appreciate our rich cultural heritage.

Cultural Center - Practising, Promoting and Experiencing Indigenous Culture

At Donyi Polo Cultural and Charitable Trust, our aim is to safeguard, promote, and propagate indigenous cultures and traditions. We achieve this not only by imparting education to the younger generation but also by actively participating in the establishment of cultural centers. These centers play a vital role in preserving indigenous rituals and traditional practices. Through our engagement in various events, we contribute to the establishment of these centers and encourage the propagation of our native cultural values. Our efforts are not limited to the local community but also extend to visitors who have the opportunity to witness and appreciate our rich cultural heritage.